When I separated from CWIE Holding Company, I was given permission to use anything that is externally published (KB articles, User Guides, etc..) in my portfolio, but some of the skills and document types that I’d like to showcase in my portfolio are not externally available. Because they have been my only employer for the last decade that has left some holes in my portfolio. Let’s talk about how I’m going to fix that. When reviewing my portfolio, the first, and biggest, black hole is samples of documents using Word. I consider myself to be an expert at word (and passed the certification exam in 2010… contemplating doing it again), and having a hole that large just will not do. Today I figured out a great way to fill the hole–I created a whole new set of documents using a “made-up” company.

Maybe I should define “made-up”… I used a company called Canyon Chameleons, and created a logo using a free logo generator, and went to town creating templates, a form, a guide, and an employee offer letter. I actually own the Canyon Chameleons domain, and I keep and raise chameleons and intend to breed them in the future, which is why I bought the domain. Of course, I’ve made all of these things before, many times over the last decade and longer, but without permission I cannot share them. Creating some stand-ins is the best of both worlds–I get to show you what I can do in Word, and I also get some of my future work done. 😉 Head on over to the MS Word page to take a look at what I came up with!

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